Ich suche einen Berater !

  • Dann kannst Du ja jetzt ganze Abende als Alleinunterhalter bestreiten :biggrin:

    NIVEA für alle !

    * * *

    "... I was thinking maybe we could go outside - let the nightsky cool your foolish pride ... "

    * * *

    Pogue Mahone !

  • Zitat

    Original von Dynamo P-Berg
    Dann kannst Du ja jetzt ganze Abende als Alleinunterhalter bestreiten :biggrin:

    In mir wächst die Befürchtung, dass es bei solcher Masse irgendwann ansteckt! 8o

    Phil Hellmuth:

    “It has - fortunately - nothing to do with the cards. The cards are just there, as a medium to confuse the bad players.”

    "If there weren't luck involved, I guess I'd win every one."

    "You're good, kid, but as long as I'm around you're second best. You might as well learn to live with it."

  • Zitat

    Original von Dynamo P-Berg
    Dann kommste eben in Quarantäne - auf die Stille Treppe :D

    Da kauf ich mich dann mit Pfund raus!

    Phil Hellmuth:

    “It has - fortunately - nothing to do with the cards. The cards are just there, as a medium to confuse the bad players.”

    "If there weren't luck involved, I guess I'd win every one."

    "You're good, kid, but as long as I'm around you're second best. You might as well learn to live with it."

  • Zitat

    Original von Dynamo P-Berg
    Aber nur, wenn Du mir das Pfund schlüssig erklären kannst :biggrin:

    Wenn ich infiziert bin, ist das sicherlich kein Problem! :freude:

    Phil Hellmuth:

    “It has - fortunately - nothing to do with the cards. The cards are just there, as a medium to confuse the bad players.”

    "If there weren't luck involved, I guess I'd win every one."

    "You're good, kid, but as long as I'm around you're second best. You might as well learn to live with it."

  • Am besten ALLE Beiträge von Johnny (auch aus anderen Foren) auswendig lernen, dann klappts auch mit dem Pfund =)

    NIVEA für alle !

    * * *

    "... I was thinking maybe we could go outside - let the nightsky cool your foolish pride ... "

    * * *

    Pogue Mahone !

  • Zitat

    Original von dastalent71
    du meinst bestimmt kuranyi...und da gebe ich dir recht :rofl: :lach:

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: goil...

    ** Wer glaubt, dass er nichts glaubt - glaubt schon mehr als der, der nichts glaubt **

  • Und lass dich nich bescheissen - gezahlt wird nur in brit. Pfund - der stärksten Währung ever =)

    NIVEA für alle !

    * * *

    "... I was thinking maybe we could go outside - let the nightsky cool your foolish pride ... "

    * * *

    Pogue Mahone !

  • Zitat

    Original von can1981
    du bist so peinlich und dann noch arogant

    Und Du solltest in deinem Profil deinen Verein, den "1. fc schoöneberg" , erst mal richtig schreiben, bevor Du hier jemanden als "peinlich und dann noch arogant" bezeichnest :wink:

    Oder bist Du es, "under cover", J_D ? =)

    NIVEA für alle !

    * * *

    "... I was thinking maybe we could go outside - let the nightsky cool your foolish pride ... "

    * * *

    Pogue Mahone !

  • Zitat

    Original von Dynamo P-Berg
    ...Oder bist Du es, "under cover", J_D ? =)

    Erbitte sofortige Aufklärung! :ja:

    Phil Hellmuth:

    “It has - fortunately - nothing to do with the cards. The cards are just there, as a medium to confuse the bad players.”

    "If there weren't luck involved, I guess I'd win every one."

    "You're good, kid, but as long as I'm around you're second best. You might as well learn to live with it."

  • Zitat

    Original von 8.fet
    hey... freitag sind wir schon ne woche johnny los.... :sad: :naja: :nein:
    also meine arbeitspausen sind nur noch halb so lustig.... :flop:

    Vielleicht sollten wir einen "rent a Depp for lunch break"- Thread einführen! :ja:

    Phil Hellmuth:

    “It has - fortunately - nothing to do with the cards. The cards are just there, as a medium to confuse the bad players.”

    "If there weren't luck involved, I guess I'd win every one."

    "You're good, kid, but as long as I'm around you're second best. You might as well learn to live with it."

  • ohne worte, aber nur für euch...

    :eek: :gruebel: :stumm:

  • :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Obergeil
    Möchte nur wissen, womit unser Depp erwischt wurde???
    Seit wann werden Sozialstunden vom Arbeitsamt begleitet??? :rofl:

    Phil Hellmuth:

    “It has - fortunately - nothing to do with the cards. The cards are just there, as a medium to confuse the bad players.”

    "If there weren't luck involved, I guess I'd win every one."

    "You're good, kid, but as long as I'm around you're second best. You might as well learn to live with it."

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