SG Groß Stieten

  • Zitat

    Original von Gummifuss
    Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Sieg, toll jetzt habt ihr uns auch noch überholt..

    Keine Angst- war das letzte Mal! :D

    Phil Hellmuth:

    “It has - fortunately - nothing to do with the cards. The cards are just there, as a medium to confuse the bad players.”

    "If there weren't luck involved, I guess I'd win every one."

    "You're good, kid, but as long as I'm around you're second best. You might as well learn to live with it."

  • Zitat

    Original von Gummifuss

    Ja das ist jetzt zweideutig.. :evil:

    ne ne, das ist mehr als eindeuig! :ja:

    Phil Hellmuth:

    “It has - fortunately - nothing to do with the cards. The cards are just there, as a medium to confuse the bad players.”

    "If there weren't luck involved, I guess I'd win every one."

    "You're good, kid, but as long as I'm around you're second best. You might as well learn to live with it."

  • Zitat

    Original von Gummifuss
    ...Also überholen wir euch dann wieder und ihr bleibt für immer hinter uns.. Alles klar so hatte ich mir das gedacht.. :lach:

    Das war doch zweideutig! Aber ich dachte Du bist Realist und nicht Optimist! :D

    Phil Hellmuth:

    “It has - fortunately - nothing to do with the cards. The cards are just there, as a medium to confuse the bad players.”

    "If there weren't luck involved, I guess I'd win every one."

    "You're good, kid, but as long as I'm around you're second best. You might as well learn to live with it."

  • Zitat

    Original von Gummifuss

    Ja das meinte ich doch, und somit ist meine Antwort wohl richtig oder? :razz: :idea:

    Wie schon gesagt, ich dachte du bist Realist!!! Nach Deiner Variante bist Du es nicht, sondern Optimist.
    Kennst Du nicht die Ullrich- variante??? Immer gleichmäßig den Berg hoch und dabei dem Gegner Meter für Meter abnehmen! :freude:

    Phil Hellmuth:

    “It has - fortunately - nothing to do with the cards. The cards are just there, as a medium to confuse the bad players.”

    "If there weren't luck involved, I guess I'd win every one."

    "You're good, kid, but as long as I'm around you're second best. You might as well learn to live with it."

  • :freude:


    Original von Gummifuss
    Die funktioniert aber nicht im Fußball.. Da hat man meistens mal ne Pause wo nichts geht..

    Die hatten wir schon! :ja:

    Phil Hellmuth:

    “It has - fortunately - nothing to do with the cards. The cards are just there, as a medium to confuse the bad players.”

    "If there weren't luck involved, I guess I'd win every one."

    "You're good, kid, but as long as I'm around you're second best. You might as well learn to live with it."

  • Zitat

    Original von Gummifuss
    Wann jetzt oder letzte Saison?

    7. - 9. Spieltag!

    Phil Hellmuth:

    “It has - fortunately - nothing to do with the cards. The cards are just there, as a medium to confuse the bad players.”

    "If there weren't luck involved, I guess I'd win every one."

    "You're good, kid, but as long as I'm around you're second best. You might as well learn to live with it."

  • Zitat

    Original von Gummifuss

    Das ist die Ullrich- variante? Ihr habt die Gegner doch noch gar nicht abgehängt..

    Das geht ja auch langsam! :ja: :cool:

    Phil Hellmuth:

    “It has - fortunately - nothing to do with the cards. The cards are just there, as a medium to confuse the bad players.”

    "If there weren't luck involved, I guess I'd win every one."

    "You're good, kid, but as long as I'm around you're second best. You might as well learn to live with it."

  • Zitat

    Original von Gummifuss
    Das klappt nicht, habt bestimmt mal einen Platten.. Dann kommen wieder alle anderen heran..

    Du träumst mir manchmal zu viel! :freude:

    Phil Hellmuth:

    “It has - fortunately - nothing to do with the cards. The cards are just there, as a medium to confuse the bad players.”

    "If there weren't luck involved, I guess I'd win every one."

    "You're good, kid, but as long as I'm around you're second best. You might as well learn to live with it."

  • Zitat

    Original von Gummifuss

    Träumen? Tatsachen sind das.. :lach:

    Visionen!!! :ja:

    Phil Hellmuth:

    “It has - fortunately - nothing to do with the cards. The cards are just there, as a medium to confuse the bad players.”

    "If there weren't luck involved, I guess I'd win every one."

    "You're good, kid, but as long as I'm around you're second best. You might as well learn to live with it."