Letztes Jahr, wo Hertha im Finale stand, hat der BFV m.W. noch ein Stadionprogramm hinbekommen (hauptsächlich in blau-weiß).
Mein Lieblingsbericht von diesem Spiel ist dieser hier, besser kann man´s nicht treffen:
On Wednesday evening, my wee Berlin team, TeBe, won the Berlin amateur cup, playing just round the corner from me at the famous Jahn Sportpark in front of a very noisy, 'economically diverse' (quote: Happy Gilmore) and colourful crowd of about 2000. 4-3 after penalties, after the game had ended 1-1. This wee team really do put me through the mill.
We met before the game in Mauerpark for a few warm-up beers, then I managed to blag it in for a half-price student 5 Euros after the old speak-english-really-fast. show-some-old-student-ID. and-hand-over-money-before-they-realise-what's-happening trick
All the usual suspects were there, plus a few local sympathisers who must have had nothing better to do with themselves The craic was great. The TeBe Party Army never stopped singing all match, the majority of songs featuring somewhere in them the old favourite "allez allez..." and the Wacker fans really came to life in the posh seats up above in the second half and in extra-time. The amount of singing had personal consequences however...
...People that have been at football matches with me when there has been a lot of singing know that I tend to belt out the songs like a good 'un, probably strain myself too much and then get a terrible sore head after around 60 minutes if I'm lucky, requiring me to sit down and calm down for the rest of the game. This is especially the case if alcohol is involved, which it invariably is and very much was on Wednesday night. Well it happened at the cup final. It means that I was a virtual mute from an hour in, because even the singing of the slightest song (yes, even 'Tennis hat die kleinsten Fans der Welt') triggers the sore head again. I guess I just get too involved in it all.
What about the game itself? Well, I thought we were pretty poor considering the strength of the opposition. Reading other fans' reports and thoughts in the days follwing has lead me to believe this is a tad harsh, but I've seen us play much better. First half, Wacker were the better side, we looked lethargic, and they deservedly took the lead just before half-time while I was queuing up for beer. Second half, we played much better, created a LOT of chances, had a bazillion corners which we failed to capitalise on (we are crap at corners) but (ausgerechnet) Ronny Ermel (!) managed to equalise after a goalmouth scramble. Extra time was a bit of a non-event, both teams too tired or too scared to risk going for the win.
Which brought us to penalties. I hate penalties. Ever since the mighty Gills lost at Wembley in '99 in the play-off final on penalties to Man. City, I've hated them. I can't even look. I prefer to watch the faces and the reactions of those around me, it somehow eases the pain if we lose, makes the experience altogether more passive. It didn't look good after we (obviously) missed our first one. But then everyone around me were cheering a few times after the other team had taken theirs, so things were looking up. I hadn't even realised we'd won until nothing happened for a bit, I turned round, saw the players celebrating and a few people jumped on me. Timo 'happy birthday) Hampf was the hero, displaying cojones of steel to first take a penalty himself then save Wacker's last one.
Then something very embarrassing happened. Tears started to flow from my eyes, and I could do nothing about it. I've rarely cried at Linfield matches ffs, maybe 2 or 3 times, and I've been following them all my life. I can try to justify it by saying that I had a sore head, that I was drunk and emotional, or that it was a release, an 'Erlösung' after what TeBe and the Blues have put me throught in the past couple of weeks, but it still doesn't excuse it.
Needless to say the party went on for a long time afterwards, first in Mauerpark at the Späti, then outside the Kastanie, until I toddled quietly off, very pissed and happy. We might have fucked up the league big style, but we won the cup. Now please draw Bayern or Erna BSC, and then I'll even fly back for it, regardless of where I'll be in the world then. Photos to follow when I work out how to use this darned thing.